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For Giving Love and Help

Organizer & Beneficiary: Dana

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For Giving Love and Help

Namaste,my name is Dana.

Since one year travel and teach children in remote areas, helping out in hostels and offering meditation and yoga sessions in Nepal and India.

Last year I met my soulmate and went through a lot of pain and development.

Now I am left with 50$ and in March my visa is also expiring.

But I cant leave India. I FEEL I am living for the first time. 

India is incredible. I don't know how to describe it but there is something to do for me here.

So now I am wondering how  all  this works out.

But I have trust in the universe.

And people.

Always when there is someone in need, there are people who give without expecting anything in return so that you can give the next time when you somebody else is in need.

My wish is to offer as many people as interested my help and knowledge in India and Nepal without charging anything.

If you want to give, give.

If you don't want to give, don't give. :)

Sharing my love,


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