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Wheels for Work: Restart

Organizer & Beneficiary: Sheree

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Wheels for Work: Restart

I'm Sheree and my story is long, but I'd love to share it with you if you have the time. 

I had a troubled childhood, I grew up poor and entered the foster care system when I was 13. I didn't leave the group home I was placed at until I emancipated myself at 18. I focused on my studies and did well in school, enabling me to get financial aid for college. 

After spending a few years studying and changing my major a few times, I became progressively more mentally ill. It was then that I had my first stay in a mental hospital. I learned that just like many members of my family, I had a chemical imbalance that required treatment. 

This, in addition to several other circumstances, led me to withdraw from college. I spiraled downwards over the next year,  engaging in risky behavior including drinking and drug use. I was definitely not around people who wanted the best for me. I ended up being trafficked over the course of two months before breaking free. That autumn I went into a rehabilitation program for human trafficking survivors.

While at the program I began to learn and heal and grow. I enrolled in college again and focused once more on my future, instead of living day to day.

Now it's a little over a year later. I left the program and finally graduated from college with my Bachelor's Degree. My journey has been long, but it's not over yet. I'm slowly rebuilding my life day by day. 

One of my many goals is to finally have the independence and reliability of having my own vehicle again! If you'd like to help me save for a used car, then feel free to donate any amount! Every dollar helps! Thank you for taking the time to read my story and feel free to share :)

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