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Urgent help for the people of Gaza

Organizer & Beneficiary: Rasha Salam

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Urgent help for the people of Gaza

At a time when the people of the world are enjoying comfort and tranquility ... The people of Gaza are living their worst times as a result of the continuing war ... many of them lost their lives and some of them lost their homes .. Let us work together to support them and provide them with food. Contribute even a small donation, as your contribution saves their lives
في الوقت الذي ينعم به سكان العالم بالراحة والهدوء...   يعيش سكان غزة أسوء أوقاتهم جراء استمرار الحرب  ..كثير منهم فقدوا حياتهم  ومنهم فقدوا بيوتهم  .. لنعمل معا على دعمهم  وتوفير  الطعام لهم ساهم ولو بالتبرع القليل  فمساهمتك تنقذ أرواحهم

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