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Help Claire get Genital Reconstruction Surgery

I'm Claire, a 24-year-old transgender woman from Pittsburgh. Genital Reconstruction Surgery is an incredibly important step forward for my personal health, and it's a closer goal than I ever thought possible. 

My insurance is going to cover a surprisingly large amount of the cost of surgery, but there are other expenses besides the surgery itself, and I am struggling financially. I do have a small personal savings that I will be putting towards this, but the money I'm raising here will cover what my savings doesn't.

All donations will go toward these expenses:
-My out-of-pocket deductible for the surgery itself
-(Affordable) lodging in Michigan, where I will need to stay while I recover
-Electrolysis hair removal (required by the surgeon, I have already put quite a lot of money into this)
-Any additional medical bills, office visits, follow-up appointments, et cetera

I am so, so close to being able to do what I'd previously thought to be just a far-off dream. Thank you for reading, spreading the word, and donating! :)