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Help for Mutyaba’s kids

Hello everybody. Let me introduce you to Mutyaba. He grew up on the streets and never got a chance to see his parents or none of his relatives. He went through a lot of hardships in childhood because he was raised by a church priest. However, by God's grace, he made it. And when he got a small job at a plantation, he decided to adopt some street children and other abandoned children as he knew the hardships of growing up on the streets. He used to work as a casual labourer but when the lockdown came during the Ebola outbreak in Uganda, he lost his job. Now he keeps searching for manual work at various gardens and plantations just to get some food for himself and his fellow kids. At least he gets something to eat and drink and earns some money to pay the rent as there are nineteen of them. We will be extremely thankful for every single donation.  
With love, 

Julia & Mutyaba and kids