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Let's get create perma-garden in the 2 schools

Organizer & Beneficiary: Kaswanga Community Project

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Let's get create perma-garden in the 2 schools

Hello Everyone

It was once said that if you want to go fast, go alone and if you want to go far, go together. The children at Kaswanga and Agiro primary school must become great again and this will become a reality if you get Join us.  The 2 Schools are located at Rusinga island, Kenya. Rusinga Island, with an elongated shape approximately 10 miles (16 km) from end to end and 3 miles (5 km) at its widest point, lies in the eastern part of Lake Victoria at the mouth of the Winam Gulf. It is linked to Mbita Point on the mainland by a causeway. Feel most welcome to Rusinga island one point in time. It will be our pleasure having you here.

Kaswanga Community Project has been trying all they can to create sustainable developments in the community targeting food security, climate change and fostering peace both with Nature and with human.  We are a non-profit organization registered by the government under Department of social services as a Community Based Organization. It has been our pleasure advocating for permaculture in various communities here in kenya through organizing and facilitating workshops, setting up food Forests in orphanages, hospitals, churches etc. Under our "A Million Tree Campaign In Kenya initiative", we are aiming at educating, planting and taking good care of 1 million trees and above.  We wish to have a community with plenty of fresh organic food and enough rain. 

Kaswanga and Agiro primary school have got an average population of 350-400 pupils at the age of 5-14 years. 60% of there parents depend on fishing as there main source of income. At the moment, Rusinga island is considered as a semi arid area making it uncondusive for practicing the entropy mode of farming that many are used to. Permaculture seems to be a new concept to many people here, and as far as this is concerned, we are trying our best to reach every corner advocating for this amazing concept (Permaculture) because we believe that with Permaculture, various problems are solved. We can't fail to always say a very big thank you to Bill Mollison for coming up with this. May Almighty God continue resting his soul in peace. In the 2 Schools, Children do break for a 1 hour lunch break where they get back to there homes and get something to put on there stomach before resuming to afternoon classes. 

It has come to our attention that some children get back to school with only just a drink of water. (No food). We may not blame them, but due to the financial situation of there homes especially those that there parents depend on fishing as there source of income as they experience total reduction in the number of fish caught at the lake due to continuous fishing. It has become a routine to many families here  of having only 2 meals a day (breakfast and super) with lunch remaining a topic to be discussed in textbooks. Many pupils are finding it had attending the afternoon lessons as automatically, there will be lack of concentration. At the same time, the children are expected by there parents to one day get change the living standard of there homesteads. 

Kaswanga Community Project thought it was to get create perma-garden in the 2 schools so as to help initiate the feeding program where instead of going back home, they get feed on the fresh organic food at school. As we do this, we saw the need of including the children so that they get learn and as well expecting them to implement the same when they get back to there homes as we do the follow up. Thanks to the Board of Management and teachers of the 2 schools for the go ahead and offering land and fencing. It's really high time we get make the children great again. Towards accomplishing this, we need the following

- 2  5,000l water tanks each $360 = $720

- Seeds and seedlings = $160 (including the seeds being offered to the pupils as there start-ups of farm at home) 

- Farm tools (wheelbarrow, spade, chopper etc) for the 2 schools = $120

Meaning, with $1000, we are going to make a very big difference not only to the children but also to there homesteads. 

We are kindly calling for your support so as to get accomplish our Mission. We will be providing weekly updates on the progress to this amazing project.  We welcome volunteers both online and in person especially during the theory lessons. If you can get to Rusinga island, kindly consider joining us. 

A better tomorrow today. Let's make a change. 

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