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Poor families need your love and support to buy food

Organizer & Beneficiary: Samah

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Poor families need your love and support to buy food

Dear friends:

Our mission is to alleviate the suffering of the poor by sending humanitarian aid. This help is to meet all the needs of poor families and orphans.

The Gaza Strip has been under Israeli siege for 14 years, as we live in the largest prison in the world

And the unemployment rate reached 90%.

Our humanitarian actions cover all means of life and they are Food distribution. Winter clothes distribution. Monthly financial guarantees for orphans. Distribution of milk to infants and distribution of diapers. Healthy water distribution. Distribution of the drug to patients. Trips to entertain their suffering and put a smile on their faces. We help and give children with disabilities while we work to educate women on

Educating women in sewing and cooking courses, and educating and raising awareness about them. We help the poor in everything

We ask you to help us and help us continue the humanitarian relief work

But this humanitarian relief work cannot continue without your donations

We ask you to help donate to relieve the suffering of the poor and put a smile on the face of orphaned and poor children

May God protect you. We hope that God will grant you health and happiness for you and your family

Paypal link for direct donation