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Cancer Clinic Beberibe Brazil

Organizer & Beneficiary: Jeffrey Guanciale

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Cancer Clinic Beberibe Brazil


Dear Friends,

When I recently was visiting in Brazil, my friend had an issue with her breast and I found it atrocious, the difficulty she had to go through to receive the help she needed. We are opening a breast cancer screening clinic in Beberibe, CE Brazil population of 300,000 women, where screening rates for women are a staggering 25% because of accessibility to clinics and education. Breast cancer is a major public health problem, with rising incidence in many regions of Brazil. This year, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and thousands will not receive lifesaving screenings and treatment because they either lack access or resources to receive quality breast care.

Getting mammograms regularly can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. It is recommended that average-risk women who are 40 to 74 years old should have a screening mammogram every two years. Death rates are still increasing in some developing countries, as seen in Brazil. Among the reasons for this phenomenon are the lack of structured screening programs, a long waiting period between diagnosis and treatment, and lack of access to health services for a substantial proportion of the Brazilian population. Fighting this cancer has a 98% success rate of being cured, but only with early detection.

The main goal of this clinic is to lower breast cancer severity in an underserved population through proper screening, attaining a higher rate of early-stage breast cancer diagnoses than usually seen in women diagnosed in the Brazilian Public Health System. We have access to a revolutionary handheld, radiation-free, breast cancer screening device, which can be operated from a small clinic and from mobile screening units. We have also secured the land needed for the clinic.

We are looking for people who want to help with building cost, breast exam equipment, mobile ambulance-like vehicles, staff, and training. We plan on having our clinic fully functional by January 2018. We would also really like to expand throughout the entire country of Brazil.

This clinic will allow us to test a model of breast cancer early diagnosis and treatment and evaluate its cost-effectiveness in a developing country where the mortality is very high. In Brazil, both mortality and incidence rates have steadily increased in recent years. For example, the age-standardized mortality related to breast cancer in Brazil has grown from 10.74 per 100,000 women to 12.32 in five years, which probably reflects the delay in diagnosis: almost half of the breast cancer cases in Brazil are diagnosed in stages III and IV.

There are several barriers in the health system in Brazil leading to advanced stages at diagnosis and limited survival percentages. The establishment of a rapid and effective clinic for diagnosis and treatment are important steps to be improved in the public health context.

Brazil has a cancer burden of over a half million cases a year. By establishing this clinic, we intend to address that challenge by delivering advanced and research-driven screening process and preventative care.

Your gift means we can bring hope to women in Beberibe. Together we can fight cancer smarter, better and harder than we ever have before. Programs that aim to standardize breast cancer screening guidelines, as well as to educate the population regarding the importance of such screening, should be promoted. Please participate by donating or by passing this on to someone you know that may be interested in donating.


Jeffery E. Guanciale


ADN Cancer Clinic


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