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Standing next to a college student

Organizer & Beneficiary: rafat m elshalaby

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Standing next to a college student


Paying university fees

I am a young man from Gaza, married and have two children, I am 28 years old and I am still dreaming

My story started when I was young when I experienced the first war here and I was 18 years old in 2012I also went through three wars but survived them 

Now I will speak what is in my heartHere, most people live on aid because there is no work because of the siege and the lack of work I stopped studying and I really need it because I do not have the ingredients that would make me study and struggle in this life.Someone helped me and told me you must complete your university studies and I told him I will learn

I am now realizing my dream, which is to study, and I am studying various media at the university, but I need to pay university fees and buy a laptop to work.I wish you to realize my dream and help me until graduation and work. Thank you from me to all the people around the world

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