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Please help my child with his treatment

Organizer & Beneficiary: Haneen Majed

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Please help my child with his treatment

Greetings to all of you, I am Haneen Majed from occupied Palestine, and I live in the city of Gaza, and my family consists of four members, and my husband is unemployed. Unfortunately, my family lives in very bad conditions. We cannot provide the minimum requirements for life, because of the wars and the siege imposed on my city for more than 15 years.  We also live in a dilapidated house, and in the winter we find it very difficult, because of the extreme cold, and the rain water falling from the roofs of the dilapidated house, and I also have a sick child, who has cerebral palsy, because he was exposed to a lack of oxygen during his birth, which led to his inability to walk on his feet.  delay in mental perception, difficulty in digesting food, and I have been providing him with continuous treatment for more than a year

In addition to going daily to the physiotherapy center to do medical exercises for him through specialists, and thank God there has been a noticeable improvement in his condition, thanks to the continuous treatment, and through this campaign, I ask everyone to support and help, in order to provide treatment to my child continuously, until his condition improves  More, to be able to walk on his feet, to be able to play and have fun with other children, in addition to providing food, and some necessary things for my family, to live a decent life, and finally I wish everyone to share this campaign with friends and relatives, to get the largest amount of donations.

!!!!!!!!Please, if you would like to donate, do not click on anonymous donation, this will put the donation on hold and I will not receive it.  ????image






