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CaRMaH is building a new Intake and we need your support!

Organizer & Beneficiary: Cat Rescue of Marlborough and Hudson (CaRMaH)

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CaRMaH is building a new Intake and we need your support!

CaRMaH is happy to announce that we are constructing a new Intake Center—the location where most cats first arrive at our rescue. 

While cats are at intake, we determine their next steps, which depend on their emotional and physical needs and their readiness for adoption. Our new intake is a perfect space that will allow our volunteers to work efficiently and for cats to be comfortable during their brief initial stay. To better serve our cats, the intake center is not open to the public. 

Through a lot of volunteer work and the donation of many building materials, we have managed costs responsibly. But we can use your help to cross the finish line with renovation and start-up costs. 

And, in more exciting news, an anonymous donor has pledged to match the first $13,000 raised dollar-for-dollar! So your early donation will go twice as far - for every $1 you donate, CaRMaH will receive $2. We will direct any amounts raised above our $20,000 goal to ongoing operational costs for the new leased space. 

If our cats could thank you, they would, but rest assured we will all be very grateful for your help.


CaRMaH continues to be an all-volunteer run foster-based cat rescue 501(c)(3) organization. Your loyal dedication and support enable us to continue to do the rescue work we are so passionate about! 

Early days at the new intake!

We have walls!!
