Palestine has been under a relentless campaign of Ethnic Cleansing, Terrorism and Genocide since the zionist invasion over Seventy Years ago. No other People have endured such Unrelenting Persecution for so long, all while the zionist Terrorists control the media, convincing the world that they are the victims, in spite of possessing the greatest arsenal of high-tech, sophisticated weaponry the US can (and does, to the tune of Tens of Billions of Dollars extorted from the impoverished taxpayers) pay for. Gaza is a strip of land, seven miles wide by twenty-five miles long, home to Two Million people, the average age of whom is Seventeen Years. Most of these Long-Suffering People are Refugees in their Own Land, under Brutal Totalitarian, Racist, Illegal Occupation by the Apartheid "israeli" Regime in an Open Air Prison, with no effective government, ruined infrastructure and substandard housing most of which has been damaged by Multiple Unprovoked, Massive Military Assaults that have also Obliterated the only Airport, made 90% of the Water Supply unpotable, ruined Power Generation Capability, Water and Sewage Treatment Facilities, destroyed Schools, Places of Worship, Hospitals, Clinics, and Cultural Facilities. As if this were not enough, the zionists recently embarked on a campaign to Evict Palestinians from their Homes in Jerusalem and give them to zionists, and also Brutally Assaulted Peaceful Worshippers during Ramadan at Al Aqsa Moque, with Tear Gas, Flash Bang Grenades and Steel Coated Rubber Bullets, Injuring Nearly A Thousand of them. Now "israel" is Bombing, Shelling and Firing Missiles into Gaza, where there is No Military - No Army, No Navy, No Air Force, No Military Targets. Hundreds of Thousands of Civilians have been driven from their homes into makeshift shelters. Two Hundred have been Murdered, including More Than Fity Children, Thousands Injured. The zionists are Blockading Gaza, Waging Seige Warfare on the Populace. There are currently over One Hundred UN Resolutions Condemning "israeli" War Crimes and Human Rights Violations, but they are Worthless because the US enjoys Veto Power for its Master, "israel" Over The Entire World. This is A Lot to digest, but merely scratches the surface of zionist Crimes, and these things must be said, to counter their Lies. The Besieged People of Gaza are Suffering Unimaginable Hardship, for no reason other than zionist Hatred, Contempt, Racism and Greed, Aided and Abetted by their Minions in US Congress. I am collecting Donations which I will send to Friends in Gaza who will distribute them to provide Basic Necessities to the Victims of this Heinous Terrorism.
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