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Join my mission to spread smile

Greetings! I am Quadri, and I am embarking on a transformative journey to spread happiness through a mission I call "The Smile Mission".

What is the Smile Mission? In the heart of every bustling city and the quiet corners of rural villages, there are stories waiting to be written. Stories of joy, compassion, and connection. Your support can be the pen that writes these tales. Picture this: a child, regardless of their background experiencing an intentional warmth of kindness, a senior rediscovering the joy of companionship, or individuals with diverse identities coming together in harmony to celebrate humanity. All these are experiences that the Smile Mission hopes to achieve.

This mission is born from my belief that in a world of many challenges and experiences, everyone deserves to be happy. It transcends borders, erases boundaries, and paints a canvas of unity. Have you ever imagined a world where smile is the universal language, and kindness knows no prejudice? This is not just a dream; it's a purpose, a mission waiting to unfold, and you have the chance to be an integral part of it.

Why you? Your contribution to this mission is not just a gift; but an investment to unite the world through creating smiles. It's a chance to be a friend to someone who longs to experience the warmth of camaraderie. A chance to be well-meaning by walking in the shoes of others. As you contribute to this endeavor, you're not merely supporting a plan; you're sowing the seeds of global happiness that knows no boundaries.

Think about the lasting impact, the ripple effect that will emanate from your decision to join this mission. This movement hopes to impact a wide range of people irrespective of identity, age, race, financial status, or educational qualification. Its core value is embracing shared human experiences. Your involvement in this cause will create memories that resonate with the pulse of a united world, where differences are celebrated, and every individual is given a chance at happiness.

OUTCOME: The intended outcome of this mission promises to create swift positive lifetime experiences for millions of people seeking joy globally. With the initial establishment of this mission in the US, my long-term goal is to gradually extend it to other regions of the globe.  Your support begins this mission and I look to achieve the bigger dream of establishing non-profit corporations that will offer products and services that generate funds for the Smile Mission. I hope you find reasons to join me in breaking barriers by being architects of a world where smiles abound, friendships are boundless, and love knows no limits.

PLEDGE: This mission is very dear to my heart and promises to be a medium for you to create a legacy of kindness and unity. Together, let's turn this dream into a reality and spread smile. It promises to “harness our collective wealth with purpose”.

Thank you for participating in this mission. Your contribution will create indelible impressions in the lives of many! Please continue this circle by sharing :).