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Legal fees to fight for my grandson's safety

Organizer & Beneficiary: Darcy Henthorn

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Legal fees to fight for my grandson's safety

Hello, we are asking for financial support for legal fees to help save and protect my grandson(3yo). We have been fighting since birth and our family has already spent so much money and years of active documentation and time at this point. My son was denied his right to be in his child's life from birth, with no justification, after becoming victim to the mother's repeated violent assaults and abuse. It has been a long journey, and we succeeded in establishing shared parenting, but it has been a string of conflicts and disasters. When my son has gotten him for his visitation times he has arrived with bruises including finger marks, his mother has refused to provide information on who is caring for him when she isn't, changed residence without any notice, refused visits, knowingly took him to Key West just before landfall of Hurricane Ian, refused to vaccinate him, and refused to administer antibiotics for a severe double ear infection. My son recently heard his son repeating the phrase "I hurt you because I love you" to himself. This is far from an exhaustive list of concerns and indications. Fortunately, Ashland County Court will be finalizing its decision on custody in March, 2024, and we are anticipating victory! We are doing everything we can to keep life as normal as possible for my grandson. Bonding with him and giving him a loving family have been our top priority.

I hesitated even to start this fundraiser for a while now. My friends keep encouraging me to do it, so here I am. If you feel so inclined to help we will always be grateful. Please share our story if you can. If you are not able to help materially, please keep our family, and especially my grandson, in your thoughts and prayers during this time, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts <3Please share

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