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Please help poor families in Gaza

Organizer & Beneficiary: Reem Fares

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Please help poor families in Gaza

Hello friends!

My name is Reem Fares. I live in Gaza, Palestine and I have organised this fundraiser to assist some very poor families in Gaza, Palestine.

As is well known, the people of Gaza here have been under a brutal siege by Israel since 2008.  Gaza is now the largest outdoor prison in the world.  The people are without basic necessities.  Electricity is intermittent.  Drinking water is scarce.  Gazans need to pay rent, buy household items and repay debts while living under the constant threat of an air attack.  Violence in Gaza is escalating, especially since President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  These families are struggling just to keep alive.

Unemployment is high.  The ports are closed.  Gaza Airport has been demolished.  Israel has closed the border with Egypt at Rafah: for a day or two every few months the border is opened, and then only for special cases.

The precious, innocent, children need a lot.  The collected funds will go towards providing milk, foodstuffs, clothing, blankets, bottled water, medicines, a few books, simple games, rent payments and huge debt repayments.

I first got to know the mothers of two of the beneficiary families in September and October 2019 and have been fundraising for them ever since.  I am honoured to know these people with their extraordinary courage.  The other families who benefit are friends of theirs.  They are also known to several of the regular donors.

I ask for your help.  Any donation will make a significant contribution to helping these poor families.  Would you please help me help them?

The $35,000 target I have set may seem high, but the needs of these families are ongoing. 

A donor may if they wish specify in a comment that their donation is to be allocated to one or more specific families if these families are known to them, in which case the recipient of the funds will allocate that donation accordingly.

Feel free to contact me through this page with any questions or concerns you may have about this fundraising.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me help these precious people.

don't hesitate to contact me if you need further information via E-mail: