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Ramadan Iftar Project in Gaza

Organizer & Beneficiary: Heba Khaled

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Ramadan Iftar Project in Gaza

alsalam ealaykum warahmat allah wabarakatuh

We offer a project for poor families and children in Gaza

Ramadan Iftar Project in Gaza

Gaza children face death and famine with a smile that determines their fate !!

The whole world has ignored what is happening in Gaza and its suffering ...

There is no mercy, no justice, no emotion from the outside world, and there is no fear of God for the war crimes committed by Israel.

Most families starve because they have lost their income and have no opportunity to work for income or pay for their children, but they have been searching for food in garbage containers and begging and feeding themselves and their children to survive. Many people are waiting for your donation to help us feed them to keep them ali your help we can not provide any help