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Help Us Save Mary

Organizer: Gail Lustig
Beneficiary: hearts 'n homes rescue

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Help Us Save Mary

Both Mary and her "dad" have fallen on very hard times.  Dad lost his home, and he and Mary were both living in his car.  We at Hearts 'n Homes Rescue were asked if we could help, and of course we said yes.  Mary's dad has had her all 8 years of her life; sadly, he has not been able to financially take care of her, and he knew he needed do the right thing for her.  He truly loves her, and giving her to us, was a sacrifice done out of love.  The easy part was getting Mary much needed vaccinations.  She is, by some miracle, heartworm negative.  Sadly, however, she has two very large tumors, which you can clearly see in her picture.  She must have surgery if she is to have any chance at all of survival.  Hearts 'n Homes is committed to helping Mary, and now we both need your help.  Her surgery will cost at least $1200, and there may be additional care needed.  Please give whatever you can to help us help this sweet dog.  Donations go directly to her care, and are tax deductible.