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Helping baby Roy get thoracic surgery

This is baby Roy Sankara, my nephew. He has been suffering from bronchitis and has been in the ICU fighting for his life for the past one and a half months. At the age of 16 months, he has been in and out of the ER. He is set to undergo a thoracostomy to remove excess fluid in his bronchioles in two weeks.

He is in so much pain and keeps on shedding silent tears -since he's unable to say a word- for the limited time we are allowed to see or spend time with him. He also cannot breathe or eat by himself thus constantly attached to the oxygen and feeding tubes. He's also under antibiotics and sedatives which the doctors say he's not responding well to and could be fatal if administered on different dosages.

During this time Roy has been admitted we have spent all our savings and insurance has played a great deal with part of medical expenses which we are thankful however, we are unable to cover surgery which has been scheduled in two weeks.

I am appealing to you all to come to our aid at this hard time. Hold us down as we aspire and hope through with the surgery and hopefully bring our boy home happy and healthy. Your support will be highly appreciated

Be blessed. THANK YOU.