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Save a Beating Heart

Organizer: Candice Dicke
Beneficiary: flc-wapakoneta

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Save a Beating Heart

Countdown to Zero!  The Family Life Center of Auglaize County wants to lower if not eliminate the abortion rate in Auglaize County, Ohio.  Too many women feel that their only choice is to seek an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy.  We plan to do this by expanding to the largest community in the county that currently does not have a pregnancy center and has the largest abortion rate in the county.

A few months ago we received a phone call from a teacher in Wapakoneta. we said that she had a student that she believed me pregnant.  She wondered if we had a place in Wapakoneta because she didn't have transportation to St. Marys. we felt so helpless that we couldn't help her.  So expanding to Wapakoneta was the next logical step. 

We are asking funds in order to purchase items that we would need at the new location, such as a portable exam bed, ultrasound cleaning items communication items such as a cell phone, service internet, computer, printer, etc.

Also we hope to redesign our branding information to make it more  appealing  to abortion minded women.

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