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Helping, Helpers from hearbreak

Organizer & Beneficiary: Michael Shafer

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Helping, Helpers from hearbreak

Meet Robert Shafer

Robert is my mentally challenged uncle who has been in our care since 2015 he just turned 68 years old He's always smiling and never asks for much, he loves collecting and tinkering with his diecast vehicles, fishing and t.v. I made a promise to my father his brother on his death bed to make sure Robert never has to call anywhere but here home. Life has a way of making things challenging. This man will be with me no matter what happens till we move to a higher place. I've never been 1 to ask for anything and at this point all I'm asking for is a break a breather a helping hand to get back on track. We have fallen behind 2 months on our mortgage, we lost our vehicle, now our central A/C has decided to quit and it's 108 outside and if that's not enough of a challenge today the septic needs to be pumped on most days each issue would just be a challenge but since my double hip replacement I've lost alot of my pep 125k is a lifetime of working to us but it would pay off our mortgage get us a dependable vehicle, some good air and heat and my septic would stop baking in my back yard. Regardless we will keep moving forward for as long as possible but I think we could both use a nice break. He don't ever worry cause Mikey takes care of everything for him but Mikey would love for things to just go smooth for once. Thank for your time

Have a blessed day

Sorry folks I'm not so tech saavy I was writing 1 donation and for some reason it kept repeating please forgive me