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SYRIA REFUGEE CRISIS: Provide Vital Food, Water & Winter Aid

Organizer & Beneficiary: Muslim Relief

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SYRIA REFUGEE CRISIS: Provide Vital Food, Water & Winter Aid


Since 2011 Syria's civil war has claimed & destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Families have lost everything & have been forced to flee from their homes.

As a result the world's largest refugee crisis has emerged, 5.6 million people have fled from the conflict to neighboring countries & now remain displaced facing homelessness in precarious conditions.

With little to no means to make ends meet those suffering are subject to extreme poverty, deprivation & are living in a crisis.

They need urgent your support now.

Winter Survival

As the winter season begins, countless displaced Syrians many of whom are either homeless or living in over crowded makeshift tents need lifesaving protection from the deadly cold.

Subject to harsh living conditions in extreme circumstances they are struggling and suffering immensely as they continue to face intense shortages of food, water & medical care.

This winter their safety is at grave risk as they prepare to face the cold unprotected.

We must act now to ensure their survival, together we can help provide hope through the provision of food for warmth, much required winter survival essentials and more.

Covid-19 Emergency

For displaced refugees already living in extreme circumstances the covid outbreak has added additional threats to their survival & imposed a catastrophic impact on every aspect of their lives.

The economic downturn prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees into an ever more desperate situation & has increased their humanitarian needs.

With little hope of recovery countless refugees have been pushed to to new extremes & in the struggle many more have lost their lives.

Together with your support we can put a stop to the suffering by providing hope & sustenance to refugees in dire need of assistance displaced in various countries.

How You Can Help

With your support we can help protect Syrian families & children from the devastation the war has created.

Your donations can help our teams on the ground provide clean water, food packs, nutritious meals, medical supplies & much needed winter aid.

No donation is too big or small, we aim to make every donation count.

We hope you will support us in furthering our cause. Don't forget to check out, share and support our other causes.