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Helping poor families and orphans in Gaza

Organizer & Beneficiary: Help Gaza's poor homeless families

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Helping poor families and orphans in Gaza

Welcome to all friends. The Gaza Strip is in a very difficult situation as a result of the suffocating blockade that has lasted for up to 14 years. The blockade led to high rates of unemployment, extreme poverty, and the spread of precious diseases and epidemics. My friends, I wish you the love of humanity and work to help the poor children in the Gaza Strip and help them provide their basic needs of food, medicine, clothing and milk, and I thank you all my friends who donated 10 or 20 dollars. $30, $40, $50 to help kids and poor families in the Gaza Strip stricken Gaza


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I love you my friends And God reward you ??♥♥♥ ??✌✌