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YWAM Worship School

Organizer & Beneficiary: Gabriella Garmer

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YWAM Worship School

I love to sing. If you didn't know that, you just learned something new about me! Being able to grow in this area, along with playing instruments, has always been a dream of mine and a passion the Lord has placed in me from a young age. I believe now is the season for me to really focus on these gifting’s.

Starting September 11th there is a 3 month worship school in Denver Colorado that will give me the chance to pursue music on a deeper level than I ever have before. There I will be learning music theory, how to write music, how to lead a band and most importantly how to lead worship with God at the center. We will also be serving the local community every week as a group. After sending in an application, along with an audition video, I am very excited to announce that I've been accepted!

This school is offered through YWAM, Youth With A Mission, a Christian organization where I have previously attended 2 other schools. Unlike these schools I am required to raise all my funds before I arrive. The total cost is $4,295 which includes, books I'll need, a place to live, and food for 3 months; not including travel expenses.

As for fundraising I've decided to do it a little bit differently than I have in the past. I have a job and I'm saving as much as I can to get myself to Colorado but unfortunately that's not going to be enough. If you can think of any way I can be of service to you, your church, friends and family, I am more than willing to work to fundraise. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to earn money and reach my goal. For those of you who don't have a way for me to earn money, I ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting me. Any amount would be appreciate. 

