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Help us save our sweet dog Moke!

Organizer & Beneficiary: Sharpless Family

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Help us save our sweet dog Moke!

Hi everyone,

Late last night (June 5, 2018), my family took our dog Moke to the vet because he was not acting like himself. They discovered that he has tumors on his spleen that ruptured, causing internal bleeding. He is currently stable in emergency vet care (Animal Emergency Center in Sunset, UT), but surgery is needed ASAP to remove his spleen and stop the internal bleeding. We gave them immediate permission for the surgery, but they will not take action until we provide payment.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated, we cannot lose our Moke. Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Update 6/8/18: We found a vet office that agreed to operate yesterday morning! They are willing to work on payments with us, but are still looking for a substantial amount down by the end of today (Friday). I am going to leave this page active, because we are still having a hard time putting together a down payment and figuring out how we will afford the payment plan, but a HUGE thank you to all who have donated thus far! We cannot begin to describe how grateful we are to you! We are so excited to be taking Moke home to begin his recovery <3 

