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2020 Street Medic Training

Organizer & Beneficiary: Baltimore Street Medics

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2020 Street Medic Training

Update 3/24/20: The Baltimore Street Medic Collective wishes you and yours health and comfort in this time of crisis. To date, we are still planning to host our training in August, September and October. Please check here or on our facebook page for updates around June 5th.

*If you are in need of resources or have resources to share in the area, here is a Baltimore City based mutual aid directory with links: *
The Baltimore Street Medic Collective is planning a 20 hour street medic training in Baltimore City! We have finalized dates in August, September and October using a modular format. If you're interested in being informed when we are accepting applications, please e-mail us at 

We would like this training to be inclusive and accessible to active local organizers who are interested in developing their emergency response skills at protests and beyond. This training will prioritize people of color, trans and disabled people. We are asking for donations to help us cover the cost of renting the venue and compensating ASL interpreters, volunteers, and trainers.

In the past, 20 hour street medic trainings have generally been scheduled over the course of a single weekend. This format has been stressful for both trainers and attendees, and has the potential to easily overwhelm new medics. This year, we plan to implement a new training format which we hope will increase accessibility and retention. The training will be held in three 7-8 hour sessions over the course of three consecutive months, interspersed with three optional skills practice sessions lasting approximately 3 hours each.

We are excited to offer this new training format, despite the added logistical challenge of securing space, trainers, ASL interpreters, food, volunteers and funding for multiple dates. In order to make this training possible, our funding target is larger than in past trainings. Please support us in supporting our communities.

We would like to thank Boston street medics, as well as medics from across the country, for introducing us to and helping us to conceptualize this training format.

If you have questions, please e-mail